Adidas will once again dress the runners of the Marabana-Havana's Marathon 2024 – Página OFICIAL Maratón de la Habana / Habana Marathon Official Site

Adidas will once again dress the runners of the Marabana-Havana’s Marathon 2024

Adidas will once again dress the runners of the Marabana-Havana’s Marathon 2024

  • Adidas will dress the Cuban delegation to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and returns to the Marabana after having already been present in 2019.

Adidas will once again supply the apparel for the Marabana – Havana’s Marathon 2024, to be held in the Cuban capital next 17th of Novemberas it did in 2019. This will be possible thanks to an agreement signed on Tuesday by Omar J. Valdés, director of United Products Ltd. -distributor of the brand in Cuba-; the head of logistics of Inder, Lázaro Green; and Carlos Gattorno, director of the Comisión Nacional de Carreras y Caminatas Marabana Maracuba (CNCC).

In one of the halls of United Products, Valdés praised the return of Adidas in its management of Marabana, an event that he considered to be one of the most popular on the island. “That chapter that was lost between Adidas and Cuban sport will have to be taken up again. We intend to do more,” he said. The contract signed, renewable every year, includes the aid station provisioning and delivery of priority materials for the development of Marabana.

Green and Gattorno thanked the German company for its actions, and exchanged with the representatives of United Products Ltd. about possible short-term projects that could help the main Cuban long-distance race continue to grow as a spectacle. Emanuele Coda, marketing director of the company, Marisol Rodriguez, head of the Fashion division, and Juan Carlos Mesa, deputy director of the CNCC, also took part in the signing of the document.

The United Products Ltd. and Indaco Ltd. group of companies is a commercial, industrial and investment entity. Since 1995, it has been distributing products from a number of internationally renowned manufacturers, with whom it has created a strategic alliance and an international business platform. The contract signed this Tuesday represents a new sign of Adidas’ decision to resume its links with the Cuban Sports System.

The first steps in this direction were taken last May, when renowned figures such as Mijaín López, Javier Sotomayor and Ana Fidelia Quirós participated as special guests at the gala where the company presented its line of products designed for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. As part of the event, held in the French capital, it was announced that Adidas will dress the Cuban delegation that will attend the upcoming Olympic Games.

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