Place: Hotel Sede de Marabana
Date: November 14th, 15th and 16th 2024
Time: 9am to 5pm
*Runners will be able to register, as long as there are registrations left.
*Payment will be made in cash (euros) or by credit card.
Registration fees:
- Marabana 42K: 115€
- Marabana 21K: 95€
- Marabana 10K: 85€
- Marabana 5K: 85€

*Registration fees are set by the event management on this website and cannot be altered or changed by any tour operator and shall be legally responsible according to the laws of the country where it takes place.
According to the current law, we inform you that your personal data included will be treated by RPM RACING, S.L.U. (onwards RPM), with NIF B61514360, head office in GRAN VIA 8-10, 7th FLOOR, 08902 HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT, BARCELONA, phone +34 431 55 33 and e-mail to:
To allow to manage, to proceed and to administer your participation in MARABANA CUBA
To manage the information proceeding from MARABANA CUBA, the time, the photography of participation, etc …
To manage the sending of newsletters and information concerning MARABANA CUBA.
To make surveys, statistics and market analysis.
To elaborate profiles to personalize and to improve our organization
To proceed, in its case, with the sending of commercial communications, even by electronic means, about products and RPM’s services, also those of third collaborators who operate in the area of sports in general and MARABANA CUBA especially, as well as the products and services of the sponsors of the event if the user authorizes it marking the options enabled to the effect.
To take part in the services of the web.
The information of the user will be treated by RPM until the user is opposed or revokes the assent.
The treatment of the information of the user on the part of RPM is based on the assent that is requested and that can be removed at any time. Nevertheless, in case of withdrawing the assent, it will not concern the legality of the treatments effected previously. The assents obtained for the mentioned purposes are independent for what you will be able to revoke any of them, not affecting the others.
The user guarantees that the information given is true, exact, complete and updated, being responsible for any hurt or prejudice, direct or indirect, that could be caused as a consequence of the breach of such obligation.
The user has the right to:
To revoke the granted assents
To get confirmation about if in RPM they are treating the personal information that concern him or not.
To accede to its personal information.
To rectify the inaccurate or incomplete information.
To request the suppression of the information when, among others, the information is already not necessary for the purpose.
To obtain from RPM the limitation of the treatment of the information when there is fulfilled some of the conditions foreseen in the regulation of protection of information.
To request the transferability of its information.
To be opposed to the treatment of the information
To claim before the Spanish Agency of Protection of Information, through the following address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6- 28001 Madrid, when the interested person thinks that RPM has damaged the rights that are recognized by the applicable regulation in protection of information.
To contact the data protection officer of RPM through
The user will be able to exercise his rights, with a letter accompanied of ID document in RPM RACING, S.L.U (marketing dept. C/Gran Vía 8-10, 7th floor, 08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat-BARCELONA) or by e-mail to the following email address:
Registration fees are not refundable in any case.
In the event of an injury preventing the runner from participating in the race, participants injured can withdraw their entry for that year and pass it onto the next only in the case of providing a medical note which has to be sent to the organization by September 30th of the year of the race. In case of being unable to participate the following year, participants will have a guarantee entry for the second year after registration, i.e. a maximum of two years extension.