Regulation – Página OFICIAL Maratón de la Habana / Habana Marathon Official Site



Date of the races 16 November 2025

The direction of  Marabana taking into consideration the experiences of the last 3 years and the updating of the AIMS/WA rules has considered necessary to establish the following regulation on the basis of the reality we face in our racing system and the experiences that impose necessary changes for the best development of the event.

It has been ordered by the events called and the themes of nature have generally been grouped together in the final considerations.

MARATHON (42,195 KM)

Departure time: 6:00h

Limit time (race time): 7:00 a.m.

The runners have 3:30 hours to run the first lap of the circuit, the  first 21,097.5 km from that deadline time are not allowed to continue in the race to complete the marathon.

If the runners registered for the marathon distance decide to finish in the point of the half marathon will be considered a non-finished  (DNF).

The Technical Direction will recognize the runners for their time completed in the 21,097.5 km but in no case will he be entitled to prizes, will appear in the half marathon result.

Runners who exceed 1:00 p.m. will appear in the results competition finals like DNF.

Technical Regulations (RT) 55 Part VII Road Racing RT 55.2, RT 55.3 The Tour.




The Circuit along which the Marathon takes place is Certified by the AIMS/WA. The Half Marathon has a distance of 21,097.5 km, in a circular route with start and finish at  Independencia Ave and 19 de Mayo, in front of the Ramón Font Multipurpose Sports Center. The Marathon will take two laps of the route, covering a distance of 42.195 km.

The departure and arrival coincide in the circuit.

The arrival will be divided into three lanes by cones and a guardrail system from 19 de Mayo Street.

  1. The extreme right for Marathon runners when passing the first lap, in the second lap they enter through the center lane.
  2. The center for Half Marathon runners and for the arrival of the first place winners of all distances.
  3. The far left for five and ten kilometer runners

The route runs through the following streets and avenues: Independencia Ave., Salvador Allende (Carlos Tercero), Reina, Amistad, Dragones, Prado, Ánimas,  De las Misiones Ave.,  De los Estudiantes Ave., Malecón, Calzada, 12th Street,  23th Street, 26th Ave., Boyeros, Santa Catalina, Primelles, Vía Blanca, Independencia (Boyeros) Ave and 19 de Mayo.

The route includes only the use of the far right lane on Malecón,                Calzada, 23th Street  and  26th Ave.

The entire race takes place on paved roads. It is prohibited to cut the          circuit through other unofficial routes in the route.

RT 55.4 The distances in kilometer along the route will be indicated to all athletes.




RT 55.6 The Start, the races will begin with the sound of a Bell. The voices of races over 400 m will be used. (Ruler 16.2.2 of the Technical Regulations, the word will be “To your positions”).

At 5:00 am the bugle call will be amplified through the loudspeakers mambisa, the Agramontina target which indicates that the event is ready and all circuit personnel are at their jobs place with the corresponding provisioning at the oasis.

At 5.30 am the mambisa bugle call will be amplified over the loudspeakers calling formation which would indicate that the runners will be grouped in a line 20 meters before the start.

From that moment on through the loudspeakers the technical director or the director of the race, they will give notices; five minutes, three minutes and one minute before of the exit. At the shout of “To your positions”, the athletes will gather behind the starting line designated by the organizers, no athlete can put his foot (or any part of his body) in contact with the line of exit or the ground in front of the line.

55.8 Drink and Refreshment Stations (OASIS)

  1. At the start and finish of all races there will be water and other appropriate supplies.
  2. For the Marathon available OASIS water points at intervals of approximately 2.5 km.
  3. The organizers will determine what supplies they will offer in depending on prevailing conditions, but may be authorized athletes to provide their own supplies, in which case, each athlete must designate the positions in which they must put themselves its disposition. The supplies provided by




the athletes they will be kept under the supervision of officials designated by the organizers from the moment they are delivered

by the athletes or their representatives. These officers will ensure that the supplies are not altered or manipulated in any way.

  1. An athlete may, at any time, carry water or provisioning in his hand or attached to his body as long as he carry it since departure or has picked it up or received it at an official location.
  2. An athlete receiving or collecting supplies or water from another location other than an official position provided for it (except when provided for medical reasons under the direction of officers accredited in the event) or take the provisioning that is of another athlete, should, for a first offense of this nature be warned by the Referee normally by showing him a yellow card. For a second violation, the Referee must disqualify the athlete, usually by showing him a red card. He athlete must then leave the course immediately, appearing in the DQ results.
  3. An athlete may receive refreshments from or pass to another athlete, water or whenever they were carried from the exit or collected or received in an official position. However, any support continuous from one athlete to another or others in that way it can be considered unfair assistance and a warning or disqualification as set forth above may be applied.

55.9 An athlete may leave the marked course with permission and under the supervision of an officer, provided that the distance to be traveled is not decreased when leaving the route.

55.10. If the Referee is convinced, regarding the Report of a Judge Auxiliary or otherwise, that an athlete has left the marked course, thus reducing the distance to be covered, the athlete will be disqualified.



Championships in the Marabana marathon race

  • Marabana Cuba International Award in men’s marathon
  • Marabana Cuba International Award in women’s marathon
  • National open men’s marathon championship
  • National open women’s marathon championship
  • Master open championship A men’s marathon
  • Master open championship A women’s marathon
  • Men’s B marathon master’s open championship
  • Women’s marathon master B open championship
  • Men’s C marathon master’s open championship
  • Women’s marathon C master’s open championship
  • Men’s D marathon master open championship
  • Women’s D marathon master’s open championship
  • Men’s E Marathon Master Open Championship
  • Women’s Marathon E Master Open Championship
  • Men’s F Marathon Masters Open Championship
  • F women’s marathon master’s open championship
  • Men’s G Marathon Master Open Championship
  • Men’s H marathon master open championship

MARATHON The categories of people with disabilities in both sexes are;

  • Wheelchair runners, recognized by ACLIFIM
  • Racers on hand-powered tricycles, recognized by the ACLIFIM
  • Runners with canes, recognized by ACLIFIM
  • Physically limited runners, who do not use wheelchairs or canes, recognized by ACLIFIM



  • Blind and visually impaired runners who run with their guide, recognized by the ANCI.
  • Visually weak runners, recognized by the ANCI
  • Deaf runners, recognized by ANSOC
  • Runners with intellectual disabilities only in 10 km

In all categories of people with disabilities, the first three will be awarded, the condition being that they have 8 or more runners participated, if this requirement is not met, they will reward only first place.

It is the responsibility of runners with disabilities and their representative, define when registering whether they will compete as disabled or as conventional. What they will ratify when removing the number.

The CNCCMM in coordination with the Directorate of Sports for People in a situation of disability and the organizations ANCI, ANSOC, ACLIFIM may grant special prizes to runners not included in the categories called.

HALF MARATHON (21,097.5 km)

Departure time: 6:15h

Limit time (race time): 3:30h

Runners registered in the Half Marathon are not allowed to Continue the Marathon distance. The officers in charge will issue a warning and if he continue on the circuit he may be subject to a disqualification and will appear in the official results as (DQ).

RT 55.2, RT 55.3 The Tour

The Circuit is Certified by the AIMS/WA. The Half Marathon has a distance of 21,097.5 km, in a circular route with start and finish in  Independencia Ave. and 19 de Mayo, in front of the Sports Center Multipurpose Ramón Font.



Runners who exceed 9:45 hours will appear in the results competition finals like DNF.

The departure and arrival matches in the circuit.

The arrival will be divided into three lanes by cones and a guardrail system from 19th Mayo Street.

  1. The extreme right for Marathon runners when passing the first lap, in the second lap they enter the lane of the center.
  2. The center for Half Marathon runners and for the finish of the first places of all distances.
  3. The extreme left for runners of five and ten kilometers


The route runs through the following streets and avenues: Independencia Ave., Salvador Allende (Carlos Tercero), Reina, Amistad, Dragones, Prado, Ánimas, De las Misiones Ave.,  De los Estudiantes Ave., Malecón, Calzada, 12h Street, 23th Street, 26th Ave., Boyeros, Santa Catalina, Primelles, Vía Blanca, Independencia (Boyeros)Ave. and 19 de Mayo.


The race will take place in its extension on roads paved.

It is totally prohibited to shorten the circuit through other means not officers on the tour.

RT 55.4 The distances in kilometers along the route will be indicated to all athletes.

RT 55.6 The Start, The races will begin with the sound of a Bell. The voices of races over 400 m will be used (Rule 16.2.2 of the Technical Regulations, the voice will be “To your positions”).

From that moment on through the loudspeakers the technical director or the director of the race, they will inform, five minutes, three minutes and one minute before of the exit. At the shout of “To



your positions”, the athletes will gather behind the starting line indicated by the organizers, no athlete can put his  foot (or any part of his body) in contact with the starting line or the ground in front of the line.

55.8 Drink and Refreshment Stations (OASIS)

  1. At the start and finish of all races there will be water and other appropriate supplies.
  2. OASIS water points will be available for the Half Marathon at intervals of approximately 2.5 km.
  3. The organizers will determine what supplies they will offer depending on the prevailing conditions, but they may be authorized athletes to provide their own supplies, in which case, each athlete must designate the positions in which must be made available to him. The supplies provided by the athletes will be kept under the supervision of officials designated by the organizers from the moment they are delivered by the athletes or their representatives. These Officers will ensure that the supplies are not altered or manipulated in any way.
  4. An athlete may, at any time, carry water or supplies in his hand or attached to his body whenever he carry it from departure or have picked it up or received it at a official stand.
  5. An athlete receiving or collecting supplies or water from another location different from an official position provided for it – except when

are provided for medical reasons under the direction of the accredited officials at the event or who take the supplies that belongs to another athlete, should, for a first violation of this nature will be warned by the Referee normally showing him a yellow card. For a second violation, the Referee must disqualify the athlete, normally showing him a red card. The athlete must then leave the route immediately, appearing in the DQ results.


  1. An athlete may receive refreshments from or pass to another athlete, water provided they were carried from the exit or collected or received in



an official position. However, any support continuous from one athlete to another or others in that way it can be considered unfair assistance and a warning or Disqualification as set forth above may be applied.

55.9 An athlete may leave the marked course with permission and under the supervision of an officer, provided that the distance to be traveled is not decreased when leaving the route.

55.10. If the Referee is convinced, regarding the Report of a Judge Auxiliary or otherwise, that an athlete has left the marked course, thus reducing the distance to be covered, the athlete will be disqualified.


  • Marabana international award in men’s half marathon
  • Marabana international award in women’s half marathon
  • National open men’s half marathon championship
  • National open women’s half marathon championship
  • Master Open Championship A men’s half marathon
  • Master Open Championship A women’s half marathon
  • Master B Open Championship Men’s Half Marathon
  • Women’s B half marathon master’s open championship
  • Men’s Open Master C Half Marathon Championship
  • Master C Open Championship Women’s Half Marathon
  • Open master championship D men’s half marathon
  • Open Master D Women’s Half Marathon Championship
  • Men’s Open Master’s Half Marathon Championship
  • Women’s E half marathon master’s open championship
  • Men’s F half marathon master open championship
  • Women’s F half marathon master open championship
  • Men’s G half marathon master open championship
  • Men’s H half marathon master open championship



HALF MARATHON Categories of people with disabilities in both sexes they are;

  • Wheelchair runners recognized by ACLIFIM
  • Racers on hand-powered tricycles, recognized by the ACLIFIM
  • Runners with canes, recognized by ACLIFIM
  • Physically limited runners, who do not use wheelchairs or canes, recognized by ACLIFIM
  • Blind and visually impaired runners who run with their guide
  • Visually weak runners, recognized by the ANCI
  • Deaf runners, recognized by ANSOC
  • Runners with intellectual disabilities only in 10 km


In all categories of people with disabilities, the first three will be awarded, the condition being that they have 8 or more runners participated, if this requirement is not met, they will reward only first place.

It is the responsibility of runners with disabilities and their representative, define when registering whether they will compete as disabled or as conventional. What they will ratify when removing the number.

The CNCCMM in coordination with the Directorate of Sports for People in a situation of disability and the organizations ANCI, ANSOC, ACLIFIM may grant special prizes to runners not included in the categories called.

10.00 km RACE

Departure time: 7:00 a.m.

Limit time (race time): 2:00h

RT 55.2, RT 55.3 The Tour




The start and finish will be at the Ramón Font Multipurpose Sports Center, with a route that runs through the following streets and avenues: Independencia Ave., Salvador Allende (Carlos Tercero), Reina, Amistad, Prado, Dragones, Ánimas, De las Misiones Ave., De los Estudiantes Ave., Malecón, turn into Genios and go back along Malecón to Prado, Dragones, Amistad, Reina, Salvador Allende (Carlos Tercero), Zapata, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, 19 de Mayo, Independencia (Boyeros) Ave.

RT 55.6 The Start, The races will begin with the sound of a Bell. The voices of races over 400 m will be used (Rule 16.2.2 of the Technical Regulations, the word will be “To your positions”).

Announcements will be given over the loudspeakers and the technical director or the director of the race, they will report five minutes, three minutes and one minute before the exit. At the shout of “To your positions”, the athletes will gather behind the starting line designated by the organizers, no athlete can put his foot (or any part of his body) in contact with the starting line or the ground in front of the line.

The entire race takes place on paved roads. It is totally prohibited to shorten the circuit through other means not officials not marked on the route.

Runners registered for the 10KM race will only be able to do the distance they signed up for, if they decide to continue or finish in any of the other distances called will be recorded as DQ in the official result.

55.8 Drink and Refreshment Stations (OASIS)

  1. At the start and finish of all races there will be water and other appropriate supplies.
  2. The OASIS Point will be located at 5KM




  1. An athlete may, at any time, carry water or supplies in his hand or attached to his body whenever he carry it from departure or have picked it up or received it at a official stand.
  2. An athlete receiving or collecting supplies or water from another location other than an official position provided for it (except when supplied for medical reasons under the supervision of officers accredited in the event) or take the provisioning that is of another athlete, should, for a first offense of this nature be warned by the Referee normally by showing him a yellow card. For a second violation, the Referee must disqualify the athlete, showing him a red card. The athlete must then abandon the route appearing in the DQ results.
  3. An athlete may receive refreshments from or pass to another athlete, water or whenever they were carried from the exit or collected or received in an official position. However, any support continuous from one athlete to another or others in that way it can be considered unfair assistance and a warning or disqualification as set forth above may be applied.

55.9 An athlete may leave the marked course with permission and under the supervision of an officer, provided that the distance to be traveled is not decreased when leaving the route.

55.10. If the Referee is convinced, regarding the Judge’s Report Auxiliary or otherwise, that an athlete has left the marked course, thus reducing the distance to be covered, the athlete will be disqualified.

10 kilometers

  • Men’s 10 kilometer free category race includes medal for the first 3 places.
  • Women’s 10 kilometer free category race includes medal for the first 3 places.



5 km (only for foreign runners)

Departure Time: 7:00 a.m. (joined to the distance of 10 km)

Limit time (race time): 1:00h

RT 55.2, RT 55.3 The Tour

The start and finish will be at the Ramón Font Multipurpose Sports Center, with a route that runs through the following streets and avenues: Independencia Ave., Salvador Allende (Carlos Tercero), Reina until San Nicolás, where is the return point for this distance through Reina, Zapata, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, 19 Mayo, Independencia (Boyeros) Ave.

RT 55.6 The Start, the races will begin with the sound of a Bell. The voices of races over 400 m will be used (Rule 16.2.2 of the Technical Regulations, the word will be “To your positions”).

Announcements will be given over the loudspeakers and the technical director or the director of the race, they will report five minutes, three minutes and one minute before the exit. At the shout of “To your positions”, the athletes will gather behind the starting line designated by the organizers, no athlete can put his foot (or any part of his body) in contact with the starting line or the ground in front of the line.

The entire race takes place on paved roads.

Runners registered in the 5KM races will only be able to do the distance they signed up for, if they decide to continue or finish at any of the other distances will be recorded as DQ in the official result.

55.8 Drink and Refreshment Stations (OASIS)

  1. At the start and finish of all races there will be water and other appropriate supplies.



  1. The Organizers will determine what supplies will be offered based on prevailing conditions, but may authorize athletes to provide their own provisioning, in which case, each athlete must designate the positions in which he must make itself available. The refreshments provided by athletes will be maintained under the supervision of Officials designated by the Organizers from the moment they are delivered by athletes or their representatives. Those Officers will ensure that supplies are not altered or manipulated in any way.
  2. An athlete may, at any time, carry water or provisioning in his hand or attached to his body whenever take it from departure or have picked it up or received it at a official position.
  3. An athlete receiving or collecting food or water from another place other than an official position provided for it – except when provided for medical reasons by or under the direction of Race Officials or take the provisioning that belongs to another athlete, should, for a first violation of this nature be warned by the Referee normally showing him a yellow card. For a second violation, the Referee must disqualify the athlete, usually by showing him a red card. The athlete must leave the course immediately.
  4. An athlete may receive from or pass to another athlete provisions, water or whenever they were brought from departure or picked up or received at an official post. Without However, any continued support from one athlete to another or others in this way can be considered as assistance unfair and a warning or disqualification as set forth above can be applied.

55.9 An athlete may leave the official marked course, with the permission and under the supervision of an Officer, provided that the distance to be traveled does not be reduced when leaving the route.




55.10. If the Referee is convinced, regarding the Judge’s Report, Auxiliary or otherwise, that an athlete has left the marked course, thus reducing the distance to be covered, the athlete will be disqualified.

5 kilometer RACE only for foreigners


  • Men’s 5 kilometer participatory race
  • Women’s 5 kilometer participatory race
  • Participatory walk at the optional distance for men
  • Optional distance participatory walk for women




  1. Runners without bibs (number) are not allowed on the circuit.
  2. The number will be worn on the front of the shirt. Between the waist and armpits
  3. No runner may alter, fold or eliminate part of the bib, reason to be cause for warning, or disqualification from the race.

The results will be ordered consecutively from the first runner to reach the finish line until the last one, skipping the place in that runners arrive in wheelchairs, and assisted runners with canes.


  1. Cuban runners, in a situation of disability, namely, Blind and visually impaired to run with their guide, the limited physical, who do not use wheelchairs or batons and enter the finish line among the first three places in the marathon and half marathon competitions they will be awarded in the category they chose before the competition (conventional or disabled).



  1. Cuban runners with disabilities will be grouped and will identify from the moment of registration with the Disabled associations ANCI, ANSOC, ACLIFIM and intellectual deficiency, regardless of whether his registration and results he is in the category in which he registered.
  2. The organization guarantees specialized medical services in finish hospital and throughout the entire circuit.
  3. All runners will wear appropriate clothing for running without profane, offensive or inappropriate phrases at a sporting event.
  4. Anyone who competes using auxiliary means or clothing that is not shorts, pullover or t-shirt without the authorization of the technical direction, will be warned or disqualified.
  5. There are control equipment at special points in the circuit that

they will search each runner as they pass.

  1. All runners will receive the medal at the finish line.
  2. Runners or companions are not allowed to remain in the start and finish area.
  3. The Award for runners who arrived in the first 3places will be carried out in the following order:
  • Marabana International Prize in men’s marathon,
  • Marabana International Prize in women’s marathon,
  • Marabana international award in men’s half marathon,
  • Marabana international award in women’s half marathon
  • International award in marathon and half marathon for disabled associations
  • Awarding of runners with disabilities who belong to organizations of the ANCI, ACLIFIM ANSOC
  • Marabana international award in men’s 10k,
  • Marabana international award in women’s 10k



Awards schedule

  • Marathon – 10:00 am
  • Half Marathon- 10:00 am
  • 10 km – 10:00 am
  1. The winners must be in the registration area 15 minutes before Award.
  2. The Awards by categories will be at 11:00 am, for marathon half marathon and 10 km.
  3. Claims will be made personally or by your representative complying with the requirements established in the regulations of the AIMS and World Athletics, in the first instance to the Referee during the event and once the results are published, the claims can do in the following 10 days (from November 19 to 30) and a response will be given before December 15, making it official all the results.
  4. The appeals committee is established, which will be made up of 3 specialists of the highest level both in the organization of events of races, as well as technical-organizational judges of our country.
  5. The Organization guarantees the custody of the belongings runners’ personal information at the race headquarters until 1:30 p.m. hours.
  6. All runners who complete their distance are classified in them for the Marabana 2025 event, ratifying their participation in the first fortnight of February, having the possibility of a change of distance if they wish.


The Marabana management has decided that the registration fee for runners of Cuban nationality residing in Cuba, in the distances of 10 km, Half Marathon and Marathon, will be financed in this year, with the Marabana budget and it is guaranteed, for the previously classified in the



races called by the Commission National Run and Walk Marabana Maracuba, as well as the retirees, runners with disabilities, students of undergraduate.

The call to the diplomatic corps accredited in our country and temporary and permanent residents, participate in the 5 kilometer, 10 kilometer, Half Marathon and Marathon with the special incentive that registration will be online at the site and has a 50% discount.

The delivery of numbers will take place at the Habana Libre hotel on the days of November 12/13/14/15 from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm

Runners may participate in any of the distances called with special situation, as long as they request written authorization to the Technical Management of the event before November 1, 2024.

The direction that assists runners with disabilities in INDER and associations that care for the disabled can reward to runners from ANCI, ACLIFIM AND ANSOC providing physical prizes and trophies.

Runners authorized to participate in the situations modality Special will have an identification marked on the number.

The Address of the event based on the number of registrations from Higher Level Teaching Institutions (IDNS) will stimulate the first runner coming from them in both sexes (half and marathon).


All results will be published on the pages:, at the end of the proof.





Refund Guarantee

If you have taken out the Money-Back Guarantee at the time of registration, you can request a 100% refund, excluding the insurance fee, up to 12 October 2025 (inclusive) for any reason whatsoever. No refund will be made for administration fees.

The Refund Guarantee can only be taken out at the time of registration and cannot be added at a later date.

This is the only way to obtain a refund.

The bibs cannot be transferred to the next edition.






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